
2 best friends, making games together since 2020

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Meet Inuka and Gath

Inuka Senanayake

Inuka Senanayake

does the coding stuff

godtier in godot's gdscript
along with js, python, c#

knows: godot, unity, unreal, love2d

Gatheesha නිපුල්ම

Gatheesha නිපුල්ම

does the drawing stuff

godtier in photoshop, illustrator
along with gdscript, css, python

knows: godot, unity, animate, after effects, CI/CD, version control

Games We Made

Massacre Of Royalbutts

our debut commerical mobile game. Royal Butts is a 2D side scrolling shoot-em-up game featuring a global leaderboard, 11 levels with 3 boss fights plus a secret ending.

Zombie Urthal

a fast phased stratergy game about managing a zombie army, made within 4 days for GMTK Game Jam 2024.

Client Projects

featured games and projects we made for clients

Flappy Dragon: Sky Adventure

A flappy bird like game featuring a really fun to control dragon, a day night cycle plus a global leaderboard.

Project 2

Boids Simulation Prototype

Simulates the flocking behaviour of birds, and related group motion. Each "boid" follows 3 very simple rules 'seperation', 'alignment' and 'cohesion'

Project 3

Board Game Prototype

A local multiplayer turn-based game featuring grid-based movement, with chess-like unique moves for each player and dynamic scenarios for various challenges.

Jam Games

Featured games we made for game jams.
Game jams are game dev marathons to create a complete game in small time frame.


Made within 4 days for Brackeys game jam 2024! Yathura is a game about escaping a timeloop or a door
but wait, is it really?


A local multiplayer co-op and versus game at the same time!


Made within 1 week for for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 unfinished topdown zombie shooter.


simple metroidvania-style game we made for Newgrounds July jam 21.

We are available to hire through Fiverr

Keep in Touch

Feel free to reach out for any inquiries or collabs.